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See-Fi Social Networking Use Cases

Friends Meet:
Friends always want to get together in short notice. They want to instantly find out who's available to catch a movie or attend a concert or eat out. All it means is sending and receiving a flood of emails, and calling each other. Most times, they might not be able to read emails in a timely manner or not able to receive phone calls.

With See-Fi, friends can instantly check who's available and make plans right from their phones.

PTA Task Group Members to Schedule a Meeting:
PTA Task Group members (even members of other associations, boards, groups and sports team) do not share a common server and have their own schedules and have different mobile phones. In this scenario, it is very difficult to find a time that works for everyone. This implies sending emails, making phone calls, enquiring every ones availability, and settling down to a common time that works for everyone.

For organizers, See-Fi simplifies the task of organizing a meeting. Without sending an email or without making a phone call, the organizers can quickly look up who's available and instantly schedule meetings right from their mobile phones.

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